~ In Memory of my son, Bart Melders ~
Lieve Boons, webmaster of this site.
On March 21, 2008 my precious son died trapped inside his burning home. He was only 34 years old.
A Picture Of You
I only have a picture now
A frozen piece of time
To remind me of how it was
When you were here, and mine
I see your smiling eyes
Each morning when I wake
I talk to you, and place a kiss
Upon your lovely face
How much I miss you being here
I really cannot say
The ache is deep inside my heart
And never goes away.
His vacant place
The tragedy of losing a child
Is the greatest pain a human can feel
It's a part of our hearts that is missing
It's a wound that never heals
I miss him, my heart is sore
As time goes by I miss him more
His loving smile, his gentle face
No one can fill his vacant place
May the winds of love blow softly
And whisper for him to hear
That I still love and miss him
And wish that he was here.
Another Birthday
Another birthday's here, my son
Which means another year
Has come and gone without your smile
Another filled with tears
Never will this day come 'round
When I don't think of you
Remembering all the special things
You always used to do
July 18th will always be
A very precious day
Sacred to the memory
Of the son who couldn't stay.
Time should heals the sorrows
And helps us all forget
But time so far has only proven
How much I miss him yet
I must have the strength to fight it
And courage to bear the blow
But what it means to lose him
No one will ever know
Loved you yesterday, love you still
Always have and always will.
My Son
It was many years ago
When I first heard his cry
This tiny boy with golden hair
And large brown twinkling eyes
Happy times were coming
Who thought of a soon goodbey?
And the child grew to become a man
Only to die! Only to die!
He was the most wonderful son
And so filled my heart with joy
Oh how I miss the man, my son
The child, my baby boy.
My Secret Tears
I want to hold you once again
But your not really here
I will never see your beautiful smile
Or have you ever near
My heart still aches in sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
Missing You
Don't know if you can hear me
But I'm going to talk anyway
Its been so hard since you left
I have so much I need to say
Maybe if you gave me a sign
That you still come visit me
And are happy where you are
I could set this sadness free
So starting from this day on
I plan to look more carefully
For signs of your loving touch
In each beautiful thing I see.
May the winds of love blow softly
And whisper for you to hear
I will always love you darling
And forever keep you near .
I miss you so
I miss your smile
The hugs and the kisses you share
The love in your eyes
The way that you listen and care
I wait for tomorrow
Another day closer
To when the hoping is ended
The wishing is over.
And at last, I can hold you again...